But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


The occupiers are dismantling the stele “Mariupol” and are going to fix it to the “normal Russian name”

The occupiers are dismantling the stele “Mariupol” and are going to fix it to the “normal Russian name”

In Mariupol, Russian invaders are “de-Ukrainianizing” the Mariupol stele.

Its occupiers are going to replace it with a “normal Russian name.”

This was announced by the legitimate Mariupol City Council .

“It will be corrected to the normal Russian name.” The occupiers are “de-Ukrainianizing” the Mariupol stele, the statement said.

Meanwhile, people in Mariupol are starving. There is still no water, light or gas. The city is completely destroyed and on the verge of an epidemic.

“Russian peace is like that,” the City Council wrote.

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