But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Eight-digit figures: Chernihiv has calculated how much it will cost to restore destroyed housing

Eight-digit figures: Chernihiv has calculated how much it will cost to restore destroyed housing

In addition, according to the mayor, many billions of hryvnias were damaged to the city’s municipal infrastructure.

Chernihiv will need at least UAH 14 billion to restore the housing stock after the strikes inflicted by the occupiers.

The mayor of Chernihiv Vladislav Atroshenko told about it on air of an information telemarathon.

“We (in Chernihiv – UNIAN) destroyed 10 thousand apartments, if you count 50 square meters of apartment at 16 thousand UAH per square meter, it is 800 thousand UAH per apartment, or 8 billion UAH for the restoration of all housing. In addition, 135 houses were damaged by direct mines and partially damaged – 635. We also have 40 thousand apartments that need to be repaired. The total amount exceeds UAH 10 billion. Private houses are at least another UAH 4 billion, “said the mayor.

In addition, according to the mayor, many billions of hryvnias were damaged to the city’s municipal infrastructure.

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