But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


Filtration and checkpoints: in Mariupol, Kadyrovites began patrolling the streets

Filtration and checkpoints: in Mariupol, Kadyrovites began patrolling the streets

In Mariupol, the Russian occupiers are tightening the control regime. The streets of the city are patrolled by mobile groups of Kadyrovites.

The adviser to the mayor Petro Andryushchenko wrote about it on the page on a social network .

As it became known, the occupiers in Mariupol introduced a new access system, set up checkpoints and began patrolling the city.

“First of all, the dirt roads leading to the detour of Mangush and Nikolsky in the direction of Berdyansk and Zaporizhia fall under the patrol. Locals report that yesterday afternoon in the area of ​​the village of Demyanivka, Mangus district, such a patrol detained a car with people moving towards Berdyansk. People were stripped naked, bullied, and physically abused. But then they turned towards Mariupol, ”Petro Andryushchenko said.

He also added that the driver and passengers had certificates of filtration, but there were no passes.

“So be careful. Refrain from breaking into the evacuation for a while. Ukraine is working to open official evacuation corridors. Take care of yourself, “said the mayor’s adviser.

It will be recalled that  the occupiers want to take grain and rolled metal out of the port of Mariupol by rail.

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