But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


The bodies of 220 defenders of Mariupol have been brought to Kyiv: identification proceedings are underway

The bodies of 220 defenders of Mariupol have been brought to Kyiv: identification proceedings are underway

There are still about 200 bodies of dead Ukrainian defenders in Mairupolis, for the return of which negotiations are underway.

The procedure of recognizing the bodies of Mariupol defenders, who were taken away as a result of two exchanges with Russia , is starting in Kyiv .

This was announced by former commander of the Azov Regiment Maxim Zhorin in the Telegram. 

 There were two exchanges of bodies between the Ukrainian and Russian sides: the first according to the “160 for 160” formula, and the second for the “50 for 50” formula.

“It is very important to say that almost as many bodies need to be returned. Almost as many bodies are in Mariupol, and now processes are underway, negotiations on further exchange and return home. We must return all bodies and work on it,” he said. he.

Among the dead who have already been replaced, about a third – “Azov”. There are also bodies of fighters from all units: marines, police, SBU, border guards. This can be understood through clothing and chevrons, but most bodies cannot be recognized visually.

According to him, examinations will be needed to identify the bodies – it may take several months, he suggests.

We will remind, in the Zaporizhia region there was an exchange of bodies of the lost military, among them – defenders of “Azovstal”.

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