But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


The girl, who brought more than a dozen dogs from Irpen, now receives a photo from their new owners

The girl, who brought more than a dozen dogs from Irpen, now receives a photo from their new owners

A girl with colorful hair with dogs with disabilities near the broken Irpen – she was photographed by American Christopher Okikone and she became famous all over the world.

Now the girl has almost 40 animals, which are brought to her from various hot spots in Ukraine. And already she is looking for new owners, sends them abroad, but only after they come out and treat them.

Nastya says she is following the fate of those she betrayed. They write to her, send photos and even ask for advice on what to do with dogs.

During the first meeting with the girl, she told TSN that she dreams of finding her dog, who escaped during the evacuation, and save her parents, who could not leave two dozen of their dogs and leave Borodyanka.

Now she says that both tasks were successful, although not easy.

The parents had to feed the dogs corn, which they harvested in a nearby field from last year’s harvest. When the meal was over and the dogs were starving, the parents decided to leave, but volunteers appeared and agreed to take the food under fire. But the first volunteers were taken prisoner. And then the liberation of Kyiv began. So then the food was delivered and now the dogs are being eaten.

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