But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore


The first tent city was created in Irpen: how people who lost their homes settled down

The first tent city was created in Irpen: how people who lost their homes settled down

The first tent camp started working in Irpen. This is a shelter for those who have lost their homes. Some people were even at home during the Russian bombing and miraculously survived.

1 + 1 correspondent Eva Nikolashvili told about the arrangement of the “United News” marathon now. 

The building of one of the local children’s sanatoriums and tents placed nearby on the territory. Currently, about 120 people live here – there is still enough space for everyone and buildings. These are children, youth, and the elderly. They all lost their homes. Homes that have been built for years have disappeared in an instant due to Russian shells. 

Tents are extra places. They are currently uninhabited. Mattresses have already been brought here, but so far no one lives here, so one of the tents began to be used as a warehouse. Here, food, ordinary things, and even children’s toys – all brought as humanitarian aid.

There is enough here, say locals. Roof over your head, food and medicine. Perhaps that is why on their faces, despite all the troubles, you can often see a smile, rather than sadness. 

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